bEn ~ 零度空间

wish to me know me well?? here's the space to let u know me well.. ^^

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

school life that full of stress and mad...>.<...

而且面对一群无心向学的小朋友们,我简直不知从何下手。煎熬了一个多月,本以为学生的问题已不是大问题了,只要用心与他们相处,可能会有转机呢?哪知除了学生,原来还要多注意身边的”政治份子“ 以防受到斐言流语的拖累...唉...真累啊...


really hope that everything will getting smoothly soon...and will have more time for me to prepare my midterm exam and assignment...